答案: She is very we II

題: 一Do you mind ifI record your lecture?—                                      .Go


答案: Not at al"/>


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-12-30 11:00



題: How's your mother doing?

答案: She is very we II

題: Do you mind ifI record your lecture?—                                       .Go


答案: Not at al

題: I was worr i ed about my math,but Mr.Wh i te gave me an A .

答案: Congratulations!

題: an you go skating with us this afternoon?

答案: have to

題: -I'm   terr   ibly   sorry   that   I've   spilled   some   coffee   on   the   table.

答案: It doesnt matter

題: Would you I ike to go to the concert with us?

答案: I wish I could

題: —Whose   textbook   is   this?—It                 John’s.   It   has   his   name   on


答案: must be

題: He is                 this company.

答案: in charge of

He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do,other          

people's      feelings.

答案: regardless of

題: He was always in sharing his enormous knowledge.    

答案: generous

題: His action is always with his words .    

答案: cons i stent

題: More than 30 people the position.

答案: appl ied for

題: One day,our dreams wi II                         real    ity

答案: turn into

題: The enemy has strengthened thei r             position.

答案: defensive

題: We think that Smith should be told about his condition as soon       as


答案: physical


子問題1:C;子問題2: C;子問題3: A;子問題4: B;子問題5: A



The houses we I ive in are very   {A. expensive;   B.   important;   C.   huge).

They keep us from being

子問題1: B . important;子問題2:    C . where;子問題3:    A.   care   for;

子問題4: B .   sizes;子問題5:    C.   built



There   are more   ants than   any   other kinds   of land   animals   in the world.

They range from 0.   1 to

子問題1:B;子問題2: A;子問題3: C;子問題4: C;子問題5: A二、


問題1:F;子問題2: F;子問題3: F;子問題4: T;子問題5: T


題: Hiring   a   good   employ   may   cost   much   money   and   time,                     it       can

win   much   more   for

答案: however

題:           a    company   reaII   y   wantsis    a    cand   i    date         has   the   r   i



答案: What—that

                                                   My name   is   Helen,


I was born in 1980.My major was electr ical engi neer i ng.

答案: Tel I me your name,please.

題:          ?—   I   have   worked   for   IBM   for   3   years.

答案: What i   s your work ing exper i ence?

題: Hi,Helen,I’IIhave   an   i   nterv   iew   tomorrow,I'maf   ra   i   d

lean’t    make     it.

答案: Sure,you can . Take it easy .

題: ay I ask you why you left the former company?

答案:Because I want to change my work i ng env i ronment and   seek new


What   start   i   ng   sa   Iary   do   you   expect?

答案: rdI i ke to start at 5000 a month .

題: Hiring the right employee         you           a   thousand   times   over   in   high

empIoyee   morale.

答案: pays - -back

題: I’m   writing   to                     a position as a computer engineer in your


答案: apply for

題: The candidate should dress in a manner that i s appropr i ate to the

position   he   is

答案: for which

題: These t i ps may he Ip you avoid           bad emp Ioyees for your company.

答案: hiring

題: We should take the degree                     account when we recruit a new secretary.

答案: i nto

題: You also should send a resume                           the employer know more

information about you.

答案: to let

題: You can try these methods to keep your interview anxiety                        


答案: under

題: You must                 the   annual   certification   of   employment   onl   ine


15 days.


c子問題1:B;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: C;子問題5: A



Stress   around   interviews   i   s   often   influenced   by   our   assumptions   we   make

to   ourselves   about

子問題1:B;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: A;子問題5: C

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一種


The   old   saying   "practice   makes   perfect"applies   to   interviewing   too.

Conduct   practice

子問題1: A . so;子問題2:     C . asked;子問題3:    B . simply;子問題4:

C.    whether;   子問題5:B . conf idence

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容進(jìn)行判斷,對(duì)的寫“T”錯(cuò)誤寫

“F,    子問題1: T;子問題2: F;子問題3: F;子問題4: T;子問題5: T


題: you   prepare   cross   training   plans,you   need   to   consider   both       the

company   benefits


題: 一一Everything is going smoothly,

答案: How is everything going?

題:           In   total   ,it   should   be   about   15.000   RMB   for   the


答案: How much have you budgeted for the training?

題:         It   might   be   a   good   idea   to   read   some   simplified   books


答案: What books would you recommend?

題: Any suggest ions for the project?—                                          

答案: I advise you to put more hands in this project .

題: ShouId I leave ear Iier tomorrow morning?—                                        

答案: Yes,it's better to leave earIier to avoid the morning traffic .

題: Accord i ng to the i rfeedback sheets,the participants are a II


the   training.

答案: satisfied

題: American young peoplewouId rather                 advice from strangers .

案: get

題: Anyone who has worked here for over three years is for sick pay.

案: eligible

題: Does his absence to your work?

答案: make a difference

How many players does a basebaI I team?

答案: cons i st of

題: Participants have         the Productivity Analysis Worksheet.答案:

completed題: The training is   positive results on the job they are


答案: br inging about,doing

題: We need to carry out a proper of the new system.

答案: eva I uat i on

題: Write the telephone number down you forget.

答案: in case


子問題12C;子問題2: A;子問題3: A;子問題4: B;子問題5: B二、



PPHC and Gooseneck are two organizations that do s imiI ar commun i ty


Each has hired a

子問題1:c;子問題2: A;子問題3: B;子問題4: C;子問題5: A



Want to keep your staff mot i vated about learning new concepts?The qua I

i ty   and variety   of the

子問題1:A . offer;子問題2:C .Whatever;子問題3:B . ultimately;子問

4: B . needed;子問題5:   C.   continuing


子問題1: F;子問題2: T;子問題3: T;子問題4: T;子問題5: F


題: the   feedbacki   s   very   helpful   for planning   future   meetings   and


答案: Gett i ng

題: -   ?—It   wiIIbe   held   on   the   3rd   floor   of   Shaki   raton   Hotel.

答案: What is the address of your speech

題: How do you th i nk of the theme of our event?

答案: It's pretty good .

題:   Let's   make   plan   first   for   our   events,shal   I   we?.

答案: OK,let's do it .

題: What kind of event are you going to plan?

答案: A birthday party for my brother.

題: Your plan i s perfect and Ibe Iieve that it wi ll be a great

success .答案: Thank you very much.

題: Are you fami liar the saying,"it's not what you know,but who   you

k n o w ? l n w i t h

題:At the end of the day, you want aIIattendees your event to  

remember     this     key

答案: leaving

題: He keeps on his focus on money.

答案: mak   i   ng

題: Let’s             our plan.

答案: start

題: The success of our event is           to the sponsor.

答案: related

題: They have disagreement       the plan of celebrating the founding of the commun i ty.


題: This involves the high-level reasoning behind your intentions   for

the event.

答案: i dent i fy i ng

題: We should keep in mind the feedback is very helpful for planning

future meetings

答案: that

題: Your   long-term   success   in   event planning wiII be based

experience you had.


子問題1:A;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: C;子問題5: A



Successful   and   memorable   events   don   t   just   happen.   Organi   z   ing   and

holding   an   event   takes

子問題1:c;子問題2: C;子問題3: B;子問題4: C;子問題5: A

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一種


SuccessfuI   events   don't   just   happen-   they*   re   the   result   of(A.   plan;

B.   planning;      0.   planned}.   The

子問題1:B .   planning;子問題2:     A . bigge;子問題3:    C . miss;子問題4:

C .   Whether;子問題5:     B.   appea   I   to


子問題1:F;子問題2: F;子問題3:   T;子問題4: F;子問題5: T


題:     face-to-face    interviews    ,questionnai    res    are    cheaper    for

co   I   Iect   i   ng   data   from   a   large

答案: Compared to

題:        ?— Twice a week.

答案: How often do you use our company?s product

題: Our company is doing a customer service quest ionna i re .May I

take you a moment?

答案: By al I means

題: Thank you very much for answering our questions.It real ly helps

our market research

答案: It's my pleasure .

題: What's your view on our questionnai re?—                              

答案: First of alI · We'd better change our question order .

題: ——Would you mind filling the quest ionnai re for me?

答案: No problem. Just give me your questionnai re.

題: Customers                     refuse   to   filling   the   quest   ionna   i   re   are   not

permitted to buy the

答案: Who

題: r d I ike to                that     the     staff    member     who     served     med     idr?t     reaII     y

seem   to   know

答案: point out

題: Our   company   wiII           the customers      suggestions.

答案: respond to

題: Questionnaires are easy to           

答案: analyze

題: Questionnai res are not suitable           some people.

答案: for

題: The Jiahe Community Service Center i s about to                  service   for residents.

答案: provide

題: The qua I ity of questionnaire will how much information we know        

from   our

答案: affect

題: Where are you used to vegetables?      

答案: buy i ng

題: You need to               those   quest   i   onna   i   re   papers   for   your   company.

答案: hand out


子問題1:A;子問題2: C;子問題3: A;子問題4: B;子問題5: B

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一種


Quest   i   onna   i   res   can   be   a   s   impIe   way   to   get   to   know   your   aud   i   ence'

s   op   i   n   i   ons.

Though   it   is

子問題1:c;子問題2: C;子問題3: A;子問題4: A;子問題5: B

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一種


The   qualities   of   a   good   questionnaire

子問題1sA .   writing;子問題2:      A . SecondIy;子問題3:     C.     In

order   to;

子問題4: B . In a word;子問題5:     A.   help

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容進(jìn)行判斷,對(duì)的寫錯(cuò)誤寫“F”。

子問題1:T;子問題2: F;子問題3: T;子問題4: F;子問題5: T

自測(cè)六題:   Can you stay here longer? - .but I have to be back tomorrow .答案: I'd love to

題: Did the medicine make you feel better?—No . The more I feel .

案: medicine I take; the worse

題:   How   do youIike   livingin   Beijing?答案: IIove   it . Bei j

ing   is   such   a   beautifuI   city

題: —— 1 am sorry.Now what were we talking about?

答案: You were say i ng that you used to be a teacher

題: This jacket is so good . ?— It's 200 yuan . I can give you special

20% discount on it.

答案: How much is it

題: What do you think of your mother's advice?

答案: It doesn't fit us,actuaI Iy

題: Her article is in her class .      

答案: the best

題: I didnt do               last week.

答案: anything

題: I have coffee breakfast time .


題: IIike cooking for my friends in free time .


題: I would rather               two weeks ear I ier.

答案: you had come here

題: Look!


答案: Here comes the bus

題: The music              I   ike   the   singing   of   a   bird.

答案: sounds

題: They have learned about                 in   recent   years.

答案: hundreds of Eng Ii sh words

題: You'd better have your hair before going to your friend's   wedd      i


答案: cut


子問題1:C;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: B;子問題5: B



Everyone   wants   to   healthy   and   happy.   When   iIIness   does   come,   the   whole

family   i   s

子問題1:B .   affected;子問題2:     C . but;子問題3:    A   strain;子問題4:

C . assumed;子問題5:    A.   consequently



Mary began playing the viol   in when   she was   only   six.Her   father   came   across

a   really   old

子問題1:c;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問題4: B;子問題5: B


子問題1:F;子問題2: F;子問題3: F;子問題4: T;子問題5: T

自測(cè)七題: Neither do I . Look at

our community,it i s such a mess.

答案: IreaIIy don’t think our service centeris satisfying .

題:         ?—That*   s great!

答案: How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight

題: ustomer:We have ordered for almost one hour .Whyis it so hard

to   get   our   dishes

答案: I’m real ly sorry about that .

題: -   el   Io,is   that   service   center?The   elevator   of   our   apartment

doesn't work.

答案: Sorry,I’IIhave it checked out at once .

題: Why do you look unhappy.What's the matter?

答案: l'm rather disappointed with the poor qua Ii ty of the radio l've

just bought.

題: I don’t know .I just arrived here two minutes ago .

答案: what's going on

題: It is only by agreeing with thei r view point and that you wiII

resolve   the   situation

答案: suggest i ng a possible so Iut i on

題: Our workers have been checking the heating system since you cal led

us.I   you   it   wiII

答案: assure

題: The heating system of our apartment broke down so I made a           caI   I

to   the

答案: comp   I   a   i   nt

題: The more information you can get,答案: i   n   your   field. the   more   competitive   you   wiII be

題: They since last night .They are about to finish the work .答案: have

been cleaning the   system

題: They promised the car for us.

答案: to repai red

題: We it very much that you' ve come to gi ve usat imeIy ride .Otherwise

we would答案: appreciate

題: We are under               to finish the task within such I imited time .

案: pressure

題: We feel with the inconvenience the service center brought us .答案;



子問題1:C;子問題2: A;子問題3: A;子問題4: B;子問題5: C



Angry   customers   tend   to   aim   their   dissatisfaction   and   complaints   at   staff

members.   If   this

子問題1:A;子問題2: C;子問題3: B;子問題4: C;子問題5: C



Imagine   this   situation:    you have bought a faulty item from a shop and you

take{A.   them;    B,it;子問題1:B .   it;子問題2:A .   which;子問題3:C .

favours;子問題4:    A . as;子問題5:     B. with

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容進(jìn)行判斷,對(duì)的寫“T”錯(cuò)誤寫 “F:

子問題12 F;子問題2: T;子問題3: F;子問題4: T;子問題5: F


題:     the   fog,we   shou   Id   have   reached   the   annua   Imeet   ing   s   i   te on t   ime.

答案: But for

答案:How much does the printing of the annua I report cost ?—   It   costs   us   ten   thousand   dollars.

題:          ?—It   wiI   I   take   at   I   east   two   weeks.

答案: How soon will you finish our annua I report

題: ood morning,Sunshine Community Center 1 May I help you?

答案: I need a plumber to repai r the water pipe in my kitchen

- ow did your talk with the community resident go?答案: I’m not


題: Would you mind answering some questions about your annua I report?

答案: No,as long as it doesn' t take long

題: I'm confident i n these as I ong as we         the needs of the commun i ty   residents   and

答案: keep an eye on

題: If I             you,   I               more   attention   to   the   independent   auditors'

report   andf   i   nanc   iaI   statements   in   the   annua   I   report.

答案: were;   would pay

題: PeopIe             find   useful   information   from   the   annua   I   report.

答案: could題: The investor should be aware of the I imitations of the


statement     analysis

答案: based on

題: The new year is just                    

答案: around the corner

題: Under no circumstance to tel I lies to the pub I ic .        

答案: are the compan i es a II owed

題: We have to               our   annua   I work report to the manager next week.

答案: hand in

題: When reading the annual report,we should look out                 the   areas

where   the   company   did   not   comp   Iy   with   the   regulations,

答案: for

題: When stating problems,we can make a           with   those   from   last   year.

答案: compar i son


子問題1: A;子問題2: C;子問題3: A;子問題4: C;子問題5: C



子問題12 A . useful;子問題2:     A . prefer;子問題3:    C . no;子問題4:

B . both;子問題5:B . without

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一種


If   you   take   the   following   steps,you   can   make   a   satisfactory   annual   report.

And your boss and

子問題1:B;子問題2: B;子問題3: A;子問4: C;子問題5: C

二、 閱讀理解:閱讀下面短文,依照文章內(nèi)容進(jìn)行判斷,對(duì)的寫“T”錯(cuò)誤寫

“F:子問題1: T;子問題2: F;子問題3: T;子問題4: T;子問題5: T



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