

發(fā)表時間:2023-06-28 10:33




1. She had to____ several times a night when her baby was ill.

A. hold up

B. start up

C. stay up

D. wake up


2. The police tried in vain to ___ the people ___from the spot.

A. fight ...back

B. drop ...out

C. break ...down

D. drive ...away


3. When Jane won the prize, l ___ her on her success.

A. appreciated

B. approved

C. remarked

D. congratulated


4. Lawyers often make higher ___   for their work than they should.

A. bill

B. charges

C. prices

D. costs


5. For a beauty competition you need a pretty face and a good ___

A. formation

B. frame

C. figure

D. fashion


6. As the plane was getting ready to take off, we all ___ our seat belts.

A. tied

B. locked

C. fastened

D. attached


7. I will say what I honestly think even ___ offending people.

A. according to

B. by means of

C. on the basis of

D. at the risk of


8. It was ___of ther to share their meal with their out-of-work neighbors.

A. humorous

B. generous

C. grateful

D. thankful


9. The Stephenson's house was ___ by thieves last night.

A. broken in

B. broken off

C. broken into

D. broken down


10. The water was so clear that it ___ the trees on the river bank.

A. shadowed

B. shaded

C. imagined

D. reflected



Mr. Black worked as a clerk in a big bank in England. Every day he went to work early in the morning and returned home rather    1    in the evening. He earned     2   

indeed every month,as his boss liked him and offered him some     3    pay for his     4    work. However,Mr. Black had a problem with his wife.

  Mr. Black gave his wife money every Friday evening,but she always      5      it before the next Wednesday,so that for     6    three days she had     7      left.

  Every Tuesday evening Mr. Black asked her, "But what on earth did you spend all the money     8    ?" and she always answered simply, "I'm not     9      it.” Or rather “I   don't know       10     .”

  One Friday Mr. Black      11      home an exercise——book      12     a pencil and gave them to his wife along with her money. “Now look,” he said to her, “when you

get money from me from now on,write it      13    on this page,and on the   14    page write down     15       happened to the money.”

  When Mr. Black came home the next Tuesday, his wife     16      him and showed him the book, “I have done what you told me,” she said happily. On one page she

had written “Friday, 28th, June, got $ 18 from John,” and on the next page, “Tuesday, 2nd July, I've spent it all.”

  Mr. Black didn't know what to do with his wife. He was angry and       17    that he was quite       18      for words. It took him quite a few seconds     19    he was able

to speak. “OK, darling, you have done      20      job.”


A. early

B. happily

C. late

D. anxiously


A. much

B. little

C. as much

D.much more


A. high

B. increased

C. added

D. extra


A. interesting

B. good a

C. so wonderful

D. excellent


A. took

B. cost

C. spent

D. kept


A. following

B. the next

C. the followed

D. that followed


A. none

B. anything

C. nothing else

D. some of it


A. by the way

B. in fact

C. in the world

D. on


A. sure about

B. happy about

C. pleased by

D. pleased with


A. either

B. neither

C. nor

D. for all


A. took in

B. brought

C. brought into

D. held back


A. as well

B. and together

C. together with

D. as good as


A. up

B. down

C. through

D. from


A. another

B. others

C. other

D. opposite


A. what

B. how

C. who

D. whoever


A. met with

B. came up to

C. shook hands with

D. said goodbye to


A. excited

B. disappointed

C. frightened

D. pleased


A. full of

B. filled with

C. at a loss



A. before

B. after

C. until

D. when


A. poor

B. a wonderful

C. good

D. additional


Accidents(事故,意外的事) are caused: they don’t just happen. The reason may be easy to see: a shelf(架子) out of reach,a patch (補丁,小塊土地)of ice on the misfortune(不幸,災禍,災難)-frustration(挫折,灰心喪氣),tiredness (勞的,累的)or just bad temper(脾氣)-that show what the accident reallyis,a sort of attack(進攻,攻擊) on oneself.

       Road accidents,for example,happen frequently(經常地,屢次地) after a family quarrel( 爭吵),andwe all know people who are accident-prone(有...傾向的),so often at odds(因難) with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves and others.

    By definition(定義,解說),an accident is something you can not predict(預言,預告,預測) or avoid(避免,回避,躲開),and the idea which used to be current(當前的,通用的),that the majority (多數,大多)of road accidents are caused by a minority(少) of criminally careless(細心的) drivers. is not supported by insurance(保險,保險費) statistics(統(tǒng)計,統(tǒng)計數字). These show that most accidents involve(使卷入,牽涉)ordinary(普通的)motorists(開汽車的人) i a moments of carelessness(粗心)r thoughtlessness.(欠考慮的,自私的)

       It is not always clear,either, what sort of conditions(條件,狀況) make people more likely(可能的很可能) to have an accident,For instance(例子,實例,事例),the law requires(需要,要求) all factoriesto take safety precautions and most companies(公司) have safety committees(委員會,全體委員) to make sure the regulations(規(guī)則,規(guī)章,管理)are observed(觀察),but still,every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are injured (傷害,損害,損傷)from work due(由于,應歸于) to accidents. These accidents are largely the result of human error (錯誤差錯)or misjudgment-noise and fatigue(疲勞勞累).boredom(煩惱,無聊)or worry are possible factors (因素)which contribute(有助于.,促成) to this. Doctors who work in factories have found that those who drink too much, usually people who have a high anxiety(焦慮,憂慮,渴望) level,run three times the normal risk (風險,危險,冒險)of accidents at work.

1.The passage suggests that_

A. Accidents are usually caused by psychological(心理的,心理學的) factors.

B. Accidents mostly result(是由”.造成的) from slippery(滑的,使人滑跤的) roads.

C. Drinkers run three times the normal risk of accidents in factories.

D. About 50 000people lose their lives at work in Britain every day.


2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到,說起) as a factor of accidents?

A. Mood.(心情,情緒,語氣)         

B. Tiredness.(勞的,累的)             

C. Carelessness (粗心)         

D. Careful(細心)


3.The word “accidents-prone”(L.2 Para.2)means_

A. likely to have accidents

B. injured in accidents

C. possible to die in accidents

D. responsible(有責任的,負責的) for road accidents


4.What can we infer(推論,推斷,猜想) about the author’opinion (意見,看法)of accidents?

A. Safety precautions(預防,警惕) are of little use in accidents.

B. Many accidents can and should be avoided.(避免)

C.Factory accidents ,unlike (不像,和.不同)road accidents,are inevitable(不可避免的)

D. Most road accidents are caused by just a few careless(粗心的) drivers.


5. The best title for the passage would be

A. Accidents and Anxiety(焦慮,憂慮,渴望)

B. How to Deal with Accidents on Road and in Factories

C. Human Factors in Accidents

D. How to Prevent(防上,阻) Accidents on Road and in Factories



1. 火車在車站要開車了.

The train is leaving from the train station.


And the fewer rainfalls caused a bad harvest

3. 同學們正在準備期末考試

The students are preparing for the final exam

4. 你花費很長時間做你的家庭作業(yè)嗎?

Do you spend much time doing your homework?

5. 他也不知道他的媽媽為什么生氣

He has also no idea why his mother get mad

6 . 這個病人應該與其他病人分開

This patient should be separated from the other patients

7. 學習對于每一個人的成長都至關重要

Study is vital for the growth of everyone

8. 我進不去因為門鎖了

I couldn't get in because the door was locked

9. 主席建議這個問題下個會議再討論

The president suggests to discuss this problem again at

next meeting

10. 只要你學習就可以通過考試

You can pass the exam as long as you study



      Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. It is often easier to find work. There are always many choices of public transport Besides,there are alot ofinteresting things to do and places to see.You can eat in goodrestaurants,visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want torelax.However,livingin a city is often very expensive. You must find a well-paid job,otherwiseyou will not be able to afford the things you wil1 do. What's more the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. lt is very difficult to find a good placewhere people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.



             淄博分校:淄博市張店區(qū)華光路云龍國際B座1001                                  青島分校:青島市李滄區(qū)重慶路30號中南世紀城南側商業(yè)樓2層
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