

發(fā)表時間:2023-11-10 11:40




Part I Vocabulary and Structure 詞匯與語法(共 20 題,每題 1.5 分,共 30 分)

1. Your temperature has dropped, so you ____ take that medicine.

A. don’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. can’t


2. I was writing a letter in my bedroom _______ Mary came in.

A. while

B. where

C. when

D. why


3. Don’t leave the medicine within _______ of little children.

A. hand

B. hold

C. grasp

D. reach


4. _____ Hong Kong is one of _____ busiest seaports in the word.

A. The; the

B. /; /

C. The; /

D./; the


5. ____with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all

A. When compared

B. Compare

C. While comparing

D. Comparing


6. There are trees on _____ side of the street.

A. either

B. both

C. neither

D. all


7. All the children are getting excited and looking forward to _____ the new film.

A. having seen

B. be seeing

C. see

D. seeing


8. The more I look at the picture,_________.

A. the less I like it

B. I like it less

C. better I like it

D. it looks better


9. Do you mind _______ the window?

A. me open

B. me to open

C. me opening

D. me to opening


10. He spoke English so well that I took it for _____ that he was an American.

A. good

B. certain

C. sure

D. granted


11. He is considered to be ______ the other students in his class.

A. less intelligent

B. the most intelligent

C. intelligent as well

D.as intelligent as


12. I don’t know ____ to do deal with this issue.

A. what

B. how

C. which

D. that


13. He couldn’t buy the book because he had ______ money with him.

A. a few

B. few

C. a little

D. little


14. Not a single mistake_____in the test.

A. he made

B. did he make

C. he has made

D. made he


15. It was difficult to guess what her _______ to the news would be.

A. impression

B. comment

C. reaction

D. opinion


16. The oldman ______ dead in the snow the next morning.

A. found

B. was found

C. is found

D. had found


17. I like listening to English songs because it can _____ make me relaxed _____ improve my

oral English.

A. neither; nor

B. either; or

C. not only; but also

D. not; but


18. If you keep _______, you’ll be a very good swimmer one day.

A. practice to swim

B. practicing swimming

C. to practice to swim

D. practice swimming


19. I don’t think it’ll rain,but I’ll take an umbrella ________ it does.

A. on condition

B. so that

C. in case

D. as if


20. The lady treats the boy next door well as if he_____ her own son.

A. is

B. was

C. were

D. would be



Part II Cloze 完形填空(共 20 題,每題 1 分,共 20 分)

My friend Jane once found a weasel(鼬鼠)when he was very young. As she was fond of pets,she thought bring him up.

Of course he had to be taught all young things have to, and this weasel knew ___21___,The good lady first began with ___22____ some milk into her hand and ___23___ him drink from it. Very soon, he wouldnot take milk ___24___ any other way. After his dinner, he would run to a soft blanket that was ___25____ in Jane’s bedroom. He slept there ___26____ one or two hours.

This was all very well in the day, but Jane did not feel ____27___ in leaving him loose during the night. Thus, whenever she went to bed, she ___28___ the weasel up in a little cage that stood ___29____ by. If she ___30___ to wake up early, she would open the cage, and the weasel would came into her bed go to sleep again ____31____ next to her. If she was already dressed when he was let ___32___, he would jump all about her, and would never once miss___33___ on her hands.

All his ways was pretty and gentle. He would stand ___34____ Jane’s shoulder and give little soft pats to her chin. He would run over a whole room ____35____ of people at the mere sound of her voice. He was very fond of the sun and would roll about whenever it ____36____on him. The little weasel was ratter a thirsty animal, but he would not drink much at a____37___. Baths were quite new to him and he could not ___38___ up his mind to them.Because of his dislike for baths, he suffered a good deal on ____39___ days. His nearest approach to bathing was a ____40____ cloth wrapped round him, and this evidently gave him great pleasure.

21. A. anything B. nothing C. something

22. A. pulling B. linking C. pouring

23. A. letting B. asking C. telling

24. A. on B. in C. for

25. A. made B. built C. spread

26. A. for B. on C. beyond

27. A. angry B. safe C. risky

28. A. shut B. hit C. sent

29. A. short B. far C. close

30. A. remembered B. resolved C. happened

31. A. laying B. lying C. lay

32. A. up B. out C. down

33. A. sitting B. sit C. visiting

34. A. in B. beside C. on

35. A. full B. proud C. wide

36. A. dropped B. shone C. found

37. A. time B. moment C. minute

38. A. take B. detect C. make

39. A. quiet B. hot C. busy

40. A. wet B. dry C. flat

答案:21-25BCABC 26-30 ABACC

31-35 BBACA 36-40 BACBA


Part III Reading Comprehension (共 8 題,每題 2.5 分,共 20 分)

Passage 1: Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage.

In the traditional marriage, the man worked to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory, or some other places away from the home. Since the man earned the money, he paid the bills. The money was used for food, clothes, a house, and other family needs. The man made most of the decisions. He was the boss.

In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. She cooked the meals, cleaned house, washed the clothes, and did other household work. Her job at home was very important.

In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. The man has a job and earns the money for the family. The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the house. Many Americans are happy with this kind of marriage. But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities.

There are two important differences in male and female roles now. One is that both men and women have many more choices. They may choose to marry or to stay single. They may choose to work or stay at home. Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them.

A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and responsibilities are shared. The husband and wife may choose to have children or not. If they have children, the man may take care of them some of the time, all of the time, or not at all. The woman may want to stay at home and take care of the children. Or she may want to go to work.Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage. Many married people now share these decisions and the responsibilities of their families.

41. Which of the following is NOT true in the traditional marriage?

A. Men worked at a job to earn money for the family.

B. The woman made most of decisions.

C. The woman stayed at home to care for the children.

D. The man paid the bills.

42. In recent years, _________.

A. young couples reject the traditional relationship

B. the woman has a job and earns the money for the family

C. the woman doesn’t stay at home and care for the children and the house

D. the role of men and women has begun to change

43. Men and women now may choose all the following EXCEPT to _______.

A. marry or to stay single

B. work or to stay at home

C. leave their jobs just because they have children

D. choose the roles they feel comfortable with

44. The following statements are all true EXCEPT ________.

A. they may choose to have children or not

B. the man may take care of the children some of the time

C. the woman is the most important person in the house

D. the woman may want to go to work


Passage 2: Questions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage.

In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About 2.8 million cases were treated in emergency department,and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. And the problem is getting more and more serious.

“Older adult falls are increasing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The falls are preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.

Dr. Wolf-Klein is a medical professor in New York. She said one concern is that seniors who have experienced a fall alone at home don’t tell anyone. When that happens, prevention efforts don’t begin and they’re at risk for additional falls that lead to broken bones and brain injuries.

“Elderly patients tend not to report falls to their families, or even doctors. A fall is a very frightening thing that you keep quiet about. They think if they mention it, they are afraid that they will move to a nursing home or need assistants to help out in the house,” said Wolf-Klein.

It’s also a status issue and may make someone feel that they’re weaker than they really are,she explained. When someone does fall and hurt themselves, they’re often never the same,Wolf-Klein said. “You can develop chronic(慢性的) problems. After a fall, a percentage of the population will never return to walking around. People used to taking the subway, now they’re in a wheelchair, or they may need help going to the bathroom. They become frailer and lose independence,” she said.

45. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. In 2014, older adult falls caused 7 million injuries.

B. In 2016, Americans fell 29 million times.

C. Last year, 2.8 million Americans had emergency treatment.

D. Last month, more than 27,000 older Americans were hospitalized.

46. From the passage we learn that older adult falls ___.

A. Are decreasing

B. Can’t be avoided

C. Must be treated in hospitals

D. Usually imply the end of independence

47. The word “frailer” in Paragraph 5 probably means ___.

A. lonelier B. weaker C. smarter D. better

48. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Older adult fells are on the rise.

B. People should keep quiet about their fells.

C. Older adults are losing their independence.

D. Older adult falls cause brain injuries.



Part IV. Translation 句子漢譯英(共 5 題,每題 3 分,共 15 分)

49. 今天的報紙上有什么重要內(nèi)容嗎?

參考答案:Is there anything important in today’s newspaper?

50. 嘲笑處于困境中的人是不禮貌的。

參考答案:It’s not polite to laugh at people in trouble.

51. 我父親過去常常抽煙,但最近已經(jīng)戒了。

參考答案:My father used to smoke a lot, but he has given it up recently.

52. 這部電影讓她想起了她的童年。

參考答案:The movie reminded her of her childhood.

53. 經(jīng)理不在,這個商店由他負責(zé)。

參考答案:The manager is out, so he is in charge of the store.


Part V Writing (15分)

54. Directions: You are to write in no less than 100 words on the topic How to deal with

Stress in Life? You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.

1. 生活中的壓力無處不在

2. 如何應(yīng)對生活中的壓力


How to deal with Stress in Life

Stress is a part of everyone's life, whether it's work-related, school-related, or personal issues. The key to reducing stress is to find a balance between work and play, but if you find yourself overwhelmed, here are some strategies to help you manage stress.

Firstly, communicate. Open up to someone you trust about how you feel and what's causing the stress. This helps to get the weight off your chest and allows for understanding and support.

Secondly, prioritize. Identify what's causing the most stress in your life and focus on those things first. If your workload is too heavy, consider delegating tasks or asking for help.

Lastly, take care of yourself. Remember to take time for yourself, whether it's reading a book, taking a walk, or simply relaxing. Exercise and good sleep are also essential for reducing stress.

In conclusion, stress is inevitable in life, but with the right strategies, it can be managed effectively. Prioritize, communicate, and take care of yourself to maintain a healthy balance in life.


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