

發(fā)表時間:2023-11-17 15:03




Job Problems for Graduates

According to the statistics, only 58% of college graduates could find jobs in their specialties. Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job?

One reason perhaps is that many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy. Degree courses offered in these institutions of higher learning are so outdated, irrelevant and impractical that the students themselves find it hard to translate their book knowledge into real job skills. Second, there is an oversupply of graduates in certain specialties.

So many of them can not enter the professions for which they are trained. College graduates are valuable resources in our country. The problems they encounter in job hunting deserve more attention.


The Importance of English Writing

English writing has become very important nowadays.Scientists write their discoveries in English for publication, students write course papers in English to show what they have learned, & many people write English letters for various matters to overseas receivers. So English writing is necessary for us now.

There are several ways by which we can improve our writing in English. First, read more, no matter they are English newspapers, magazines, textbooks, & copy the useful sentences & phrases; Second, write more, we can either write to our friends or write articles to publish. Certainly we can keep a diary in English, too.

In short, so long as we keep on practicing, we will be able to improve our writing ability in English.


Care for the Elderly

With the rapid development of modern technology, we have made medical advances that allow people to live longer than ever before, but what should we do with them after we have saved their lives?

First, allowances should be made for the people who are no longer earning a living, who cannot walk long distances, or who may have physical or mental disabilities that keep them from communicating with others.

Second, entrust the elderly to the care of nursing homes, where many kinds of entertainment facilities and treatment equipment are available;

Finally, a country that can help people live longer has the responsibility to care for them better, therefore the government is there to enforce high standards of care by virtue of law.


Study Abroad

Attending school abroad has many advantages.

Firstly, looking at our motherland from the outside, we can best see the strong points of our nation.

Secondly, while studying in a foreign country, we can travel widely and make friends with the local people to widen our vision & broaden our minds;

Thirdly, the foreign language can be used in our daily life so that our ability in the second language will be improved quickly.

Above all, we are able to get acquainted with the latest knowledge in science & technology as well as make use of the first-rate facilities available.

For all these reasons, it is really worthwhile to go abroad for further studies, particularly when the object is very weak or not available at home.


Family---Traditional & Modern

Families are important to people all over the world although the structure of family is different from one country to another or from the modern family to the traditional one.

Firstly, Let’s see what similarities there are between the traditional & modern family. We can say both of them are nuclear families (with parents & their children as only members), the role of the father in both types is to provide for his family while the mother takes care of the children’s physical & emotional needs;

   Secondly, the differences between the two are also clear. For example, the traditional husband was the head of the household while today’s husband & wife share the role;And modern woman works outside the home even after she has children, namely, she’s doing two jobs instead of one, so preschool children may go to a child care center or to a baby-sitter regularly(sine the mother works).

No matter it is traditional or modern, every family has the sense as following: families offer us a feeling of belonging, of love & security.




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